Return & Refund Policy

Last updated: November 29, 2024


We hope you are always satisfied with our products and services. In situations where things don’t go as smoothly as expected, please refer to our return & refund policy below:

In Case of Not Having Received Goods

If you initiate a refund request without having received the goods, we will determine whether to charge you a certain shipping fee compensation based on the location of the package. If the goods have not yet been shipped or are still within China, we can offer you a full refund. However, if the package has already left China, we may charge you a $10 shipping fee compensation.

In Case of Shipping Issues

If your package was lost during shipment, arrived in a damaged condition, or we sent you incorrect products, please start a return request within 7 days of receiving the package. We will make every effort to offer a free return or refund to rectify the issue.

Tea Return Policy

Otherwise, all sales of tea are final and not eligible for return.

We provide our best possible descriptions for our products to help you choose your favorite items. If you are curious about a tea, we recommend you take advantage of the single-serving size to try it out. Also, you are always welcome to contact us with any questions about our products.

Teaware Return Policy

Teaware can be returned within 14 days after the delivery only if they are in an unused condition and in the original packaging.

In situations other than damaged/incorrect packages, the customer is responsible for a shipping and handling fee of $20 that will be deducted from the refund and must ensure the product is returned in intact condition. If the return package is not shipped within 7 days after the return request is approved, is lost, arrives damaged, or arrives with items not consistent with the original purchase, we may be unable to proceed with the refund.

Return Process

To start a return/refund request, please go to Return / Refund Page. Making sure to include all necessary information like your name, email address, order number and detailed reason for your return/refund request. We will respond via email.

It is crucial that you do not send back your packages until your return request is approved. If your package is returned without approval, we cannot proceed with your return and are not responsible for lost or damaged packages.